A green path to high potency

Published: 7-Dec-2011

Pfizer’s Freiburg site was named ISPE Facility of the Year in the Sustainability category for 2011. The site has been transformed into a modern, eco-friendly building using innovative and sustainable technologies, making use of geo-thermal heating and cooling and solar panels; Europe’s biggest wood-pellet boiler powers the plant’s air conditioning system via steam power. The high potency area offers dry compaction, wet granulation, bead coating, melt extrusion, external lubrication and compression scale-up, as well as process optimisation, registration of the product and clinical supplies.

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Pfizer’s Freiburg site, used by Pfizer CentreSource for contract manufacturing was named ISPE Facility of the Year in the Sustainability category for 2011. Susan Birks visited this flagship plant in Germany to find out how it fits into the CMO’s growing service portfolio.

Pfizer is no stranger to International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineers (ISPE) accolades. In October 2008, the NewCon facility at Illertissen, Germany was voted overall winner of the Facility of the Year Award (FOYA) for its high level of automation and lean techniques. The plant has expert competence in occupational exposure band (OEB) 4/5 manufacturing and incorporated numerous best practice innovations.

The FOYA sustainability award for the Freiburg plant in 2011 is indicative of excellence in reducing the carbon footprint and the environmental impact of operations while maintaining the same dedication to lean operating techniques. This is especially difficult for companies with constrained, high energy processes, such as high potency drug manufacture, and even more so when trying to maintain a very flexible operation, as is required for today’s contract manufacturing market.

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