After a rigorous analysis involving 504.000 companies, Gnosis — with its positive economic results and other virtuous behaviours — has been selected among the 70 Italian companies eligible to win the first edition of the Best Performance Awards 2017.
This interesting contest was conceived by the Sda Bocconi School of Management in partnership with JP Morgan Private Bank, PwC, Thomson Reuters and Gruppo 24Ore to reward all those Italian-owned industrial realities standing out for their excellence in Sustainable Development at 360°.
On 10 October 2017, Giosuele Bilotta, Chief Financial Officer and Marco Berna, Business Development Director, were invited — among top executives of other selected companies — to represent Gnosis during the Gala Dinner organised for the award of five prizes.
The thorough evaluation, based on empirical data, surveys, interviews and focus groups, carried out for nearly one year, has led to the identification of the Best Preforming Companies of 2017.
Gnosis’ great commitment to constantly investing in Innovation & Technology, giving great attention to Social and Environmental issues, has been recognised.
This is another success for Gnosis, let it continue!