Nutritional Therapists Scorn Evidence Based Approach

Published: 13-Mar-2014

British Association of Nutritional Therapists attacks limitations of scientific method as used by dietitians.

BANT's answer to why one should use a "nutritional therapist" rather than a qualified professional skips over the differences in education and training and prefers to say that the touchy-feely approach is best. "Nutritional therapy practice is often attacked for not being 'evidence-based' in contrast to dietetic practice. In fact leading expert dietitians readily admit the lack of evidence underpinning their current practice" is their attack, leading to "Put simply, professional advice for optimal health has to take account of unique dietary and nutritional needs".

One wonders how unique dietary and nutritional needs are actually arrived at, if not via food diaries, blood tests, food composition tables and similar methods, but this website isn't keen.

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