Hemp hull: the beneficial ingredient bursting with bioactives for gut and liver health

Published: 25-Jul-2024

Brightseed explore the science behind the benefits of hemp hull for gut and liver health with a new review article

Brightseed, a functional ingredients specialist, has published a review evaluating the health benefits of hemp hull and its bioactive compounds on the gut and liver.1

The article explains how the nutrient and bioactive profile of hemp hull can have human health benefits, as well as further opportunities the nutraceutical industry could explore which such an ingredient.


The hidden power of hemp hull

In the past, hemp seed has been recognised for its high protein content, the oil it produces and its micronutrient content; however the hemp hull’s benefits to human health have widely been ignored.

This is now changing, as researchers discover that the dietary fibre found within hemp hull can support health through the modulation of the gut microbiome.

This is on top of its proposed ability to improve gut barrier function, which is currently being researched further. 

“We were extremely eager to provide a state-of-the-science update on this emerging, upcycled ingredient,” said Swati Kalgaonkar, co-author of the article and Director of medical, scientific, and regulatory affairs for Brightseed. “Whether it’s the ingredient’s bioactive compounds, dietary fibre or proteins and lipids, hemp hulls truly have a fascinating future — offering unique, nutritional benefits and physiological effects that help us find nature’s answers to health.”


Hemp hull bioactives for gut and liver health

Extracting data from more than 20 years of peer-reviewed research, the review delves into the full array of micro and macronutrients within hemp hulls, as well as the proposed health benefits of hemp hull bioactives.

Within hemp hulls, N-trans caffeoyltyramine (NCT) and N-trans feruloyltyramine (NFT), have been found to influence gene expression that governs gut permeability. 

These bioactives have also been demonstrated to enhance the action of hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha (HNF4α), a signalling compound that plays a role in regulating gluconeogenesis, lipid metabolism and metabolism in the liver.

“The nutrients and bioactive compounds in hemp hulls show potential to support human health when consumed intact or as concentrated or isolated fractions,” Kalgaonkar said. 

“It’s clear that hemp hull-derived ingredients can have immense impact within the functional food and dietary supplement industries, and these findings will open up a whole new world for the health-conscious consumer.” 



1  https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19390211.2024.2308264

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