Nuseed at IFT 2024: presenting the world’s first plant-based comprehensive omega-3

Published: 3-Jul-2024

The novel plant-based omega-3 ingredient, derived from Canola, contains DHA, EPA and ALA

Nuseed, a plant-based functional ingredients specialist, will be showcasing its omega-3 ingredient at IFT FIRST between July 15–17, 2024 in Chicago. 

The canola-based nutraceutical, Nutriterra, is the first plant-based source of ‘total’ omega-3, which includes docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).


A comprehensive solution for omega-3 intake

In the past DHA and EPA have only been available together in marine-based extracts, such as fish or algal oil. 

With a soaring demand for the benefits of omega-3 and the rising consumer desire to make sustainable health choices, it’s no longer beneficial to source the functional ingredient from the ocean; 35% of wild fish stocks are already overfished.1

There has also been a significant boost in the popularity of plant-based solutions due to their more favourable ‘non-fishy’ flavour, as well as their adherence to a vegetarian or vegan diet.

“Eight out of ten people don’t get enough omega-3s, and more accessible and sustainable sources are needed to meet human health demand and consumer expectations while protecting our oceans for future generations,” said Nutriterra’s Global Nutrition Lead, Justin White.

“Nuseed Omega-3 Canola, the source plant for Nutriterra, could double the global supply of DHA on less than 5% of current acreage producing the crop.”


Visit the Nuseed team

Those attending IFT FIRST can learn more about the functional ingredient by attending Nuseed’s “Nutriterra: Transforming Omega-3 Nutrition with Groundbreaking DHA Canola Oil” Taste of Science presentation on July 16 at 3:30PM in booth 5212, as well as try the ingredient in a vegan DHA and vitamin D gummy in Nuseed’s booth (#3720).

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