Chr. Hansen joins Probiota 2022 as diamond sponsor 

Published: 22-Mar-2022

The company will take part in roundtables, scientific poster abstracts and networking at the event on March 28-30 , 2022

Chr. Hansen has announced it will be attending the Probiota 2022 physical event as a diamond sponsor. At the event, the company will discuss a collaboration between its health business unit and its HMO division, focusing on human milk oligosaccharides for infant formula applications.

“We are very pleased to connect with other industry professionals and discuss what’s new in the world of HMOs, probiotics and human microbiome,” said Veronika Müller-Wigger, Senior Manager Commercial Development, HMO Business Unit.

“We are particularly excited that our colleagues, Dr Greg Leyer, Senior R&D Director for Human Health, and Dr Adam Baker, Science Director Human Health, will take the audience on a journey through the current status of gut-brain research, where they will share how we are building the complex roadmap for the gut-brain research at Chr. Hansen. We are also pleased to present six scientific posters diving into more detail on a number of exciting subjects,” said Karoline Thorsoee Elmstroem, Director, Global Marketing, Human Health.

The company has also invited all attendees to a 5 km early morning run/walk around the lakes of Copenhagen on March 29, 2022, the second day of the event. Two running coaches will be available to offer tips and tricks.

“Our mission of improving health and wellbeing for everyone, at every stage of life, drives us forward. We focus on continuous innovation, and our team around the world is ready and eager to support our customers growth journey in an increasingly competitive landscape,” said Müller-Wigger.

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