Butterbur may assist in migraine management, novel study suggests

Published: 7-Jun-2024

Of four supplements commonly used to alleviate migraines (Coenzyme Q10, vitamin D and curcumin), a liquid butterbur extract proved most effective in reducing migraine frequency

A novel review1 has highlighted the efficacy of Petadolex, a butterbur supplement from Linpharma, in preventing migraines. 

Published in the journal Practical Neurology, the review was written by headache specialists Dr L. Denysenko and Dr D. Kuruvilla, and assessed the impact of four widely available supplements often used for migraine prevention. 

From their results, only Petadolex has data to support reducing migraine frequency with a “predictable dose-response relationship”.1


The study

Petadolex, a European butterbur plant extract, was compared to Coenzyme Q10, vitamin D and curcumin, with researchers finding numerous clinical trials demonstrating its safety and efficacy, as well as laboratory studies outlining its mode of action.

The supplement is the only liquid form of butterbur to be used in clinical trials, and has been shown to work through multiple mechanisms, including:

  • Inhibiting the release of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)
  • Acting on calcium channel pathways to reduce the activity of sensory neurones 

The lead author of the review, Dr Lex Denysenko notes: "Our review highlights the potential of butterbur liquid extract, particularly Petadolex, in migraine management. The evidence suggests butterbur may offer a valuable therapy for reducing migraine frequency and improving patient outcomes."


1  https://practicalneurology.com/articles/2024-may-june/an-update-on-nutraceuticals-for-migraine-management?c4src=home:feed

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