The 2023 edition of GOED’s annual Global EPA and DHA Omega-3 Ingredient Market Report is now available.
The report details the entire EPA and DHA omega-3 industry in the raw materials segment of the supply chain, which was a 121,940 metric tons (mT) market in 2022.
Volume increased 3.8% last year, whereas the value of omega-3 ingredients increased 7.9% to $1.69 billion.
This year’s report includes market figures for 14 omega-3 sources in 11 geographies and six end product applications (dietary supplements, pharmaceuticals, infant formula, food and beverage, pet food and clinical nutrition) as well as dashboard “at a glance” charts for each section, a set of PowerPoint slides containing key market figures and the raw data in Excel form with a built-in forecast generator.
Because of GOED’s intimate knowledge of the category and its access to proprietary sales data from member companies, the report is considered to be the most accurate and comprehensive report available on the global EPA and DHA industry.
A sample of the report, as well as purchase information, is available on the GOED website.

Global search interest in omega-3s has grown more than 50% after a period of flat interest from 2004-2009
Gauging global consumer interest in EPA and DHA omega-3s
GOED also published a first-of-its-kind report analyzing consumer internet search trends related to EPA+DHA omega-3 topics in order to better understand the top questions, attitudes and perceptions of global consumers.
The report details global, continental and national search trends and includes annual data as well as trends during the past 10+ years.
Included in the details are what search terms
- omega-3s
- fish oil
- algae oil
- etc.
are most commonly searched from one country to another, and how media stories impact search volume. The report is now available for purchase on GOED’s website.