Clinical study shows cognitive benefits for Neumentix phenolic complex

Published: 26-Mar-2015

New research presented by Biofortis at Experimental Biology 2015 in Boston

Kemin is excited to announce the findings of a new human clinical study showing that the use of Neumentix Phenolic Complex K110-42, a patent-pending spearmint extract containing a proprietary phenolic complex, helps to improve cognitive performance in older adults with age-associated memory impairment.

These study results will be presented by Biofortis, a Mérieux NutriSciences company, in a poster session at Experimental Biology 2015 sponsored by the American Society for Nutrition.

'We are very excited to be able to share the results from our study with attendees at Experimental Biology,' stated DeAnn Liska, Senior Director of Nutrition and Scientific Affairs at Biofortis.

'The study was significant in that it suggested this proprietary ingredient may have benefits for cognitive health and performance using a number of validated measurements.'

The study, Effects of a Proprietary Spearmint Extract on Cognitive Function and Tolerance Parameters in Men and Women with Age-Associated Memory Impairment, assessed cognitive health and performance using the Cognitive Drug Research (CDR) battery, a well-established, standardised and validated testing tool that has been used in numerous published clinical studies.

In addition to CDR, subjects also completed several validated clinical questionnaires, including the Profile of Mood States (POMS) and the Leeds Sleep Evaluation Questionnaire (LSEQ).

In the 90 day randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, adults who took Neumentix showed significantly better quality of working memory compared with those who took a placebo. Working memory, a type of memory critical to a wide range of cognitive tasks including multitasking and complex thought, is highly affected by the ageing process and other factors such as stress or lack of sleep.

'The demand for cognitive health products is growing worldwide, and we are very excited about these strong clinical results,' said Anita Norian, president for the human nutrition and health division of Kemin.

'Working memory is critical to our overall cognitive performance, and we feel this research opens up some great opportunities for customers who use Neumentix in their finished products.'

In addition to the positive results for working memory, Biofortis researchers also found that subjects reported statistically significant improvements in a number of the other clinical tests including ability to get to sleep faster at night and trending improvements on feelings of vitality and energy. Researchers found that the product was well-tolerated and there were no adverse events related to product consumption during the course of the 90 day study.

Neumentix Phenolic Complex K110-42 is derived from patent-pending, non-GMO lines of spearmint developed by Kemin plant scientists using traditional plant-breeding methods. The company’s patent-pending lines of spearmint are 100% certified sustainably grown in the USA on family farms that have been passed down from generation to generation.

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