Born in the early 1980’s to around 2000, members of the Millennial generation are now forging out into the world and making their presence felt in society. The world is starting to take note as the number of Millennials surpasses that of Baby Boomers. A deeper understanding of the “me” generation can shed light on generational traits that drive their decision making about product selection in the food and health area.
Millennials, for example, are less interested in “dieting” than they are in living a “healthy lifestyle.” This generation also tends to be more adventuresome in their food choices and are open to trying new flavors – such as exotic herbs and botanicals – than their elders. More averse to taking pills than other generations, Millennials are also pushing supplement manufacturers to innovate new approaches to combat pill fatigue with products like chewable or gummy supplements, drink powders and mints.
Yet, despite their self-avowed health consciousness, busy Millennial lifestyles have also created significant nutrient deficiencies. Bridging the gap between their nutrient demands and shortfalls means opportunities for food, beverage and dietary supplement manufacturers.
Read more about opportunities for fortification for this unique consumer segment in “Strategic Nutrition for Millennials,” part one of a two part series presented by Fortitech Premixes.