Hinoman, Ltd announces the official launch of Mankai, a vegetable whole-protein ingredient with high nutritional value, at IFT.
Mankai is an aquacultured source of vegetable protein with exceptional nutritional value. The vitamin and mineral-rich Mankai plant is a native of Southeast Asia, and has been enjoyed in Thailand, Laos and Vietnam for generations. Hinoman’s hydroponic technology enables it to grow the product faster, and in large quantities, without pesticides, while guaranteeing a high protein content of at least 45% by dry weight.
Mankai is the world’s smallest vegetable: 0.5mm. Owing to its small particle size, it can be easily incorporated in its natural form into food or beverage applications.
'The Mankai plant boasts the closest protein profile to animal protein,' explains Udi Alroy, VP of Marketing and Business Development for Hinoman. 'The paradox is that this tiny, single-strain microgreen delivers huge health benefits to a wide range of market targets and addresses not only the race for new protein sources but also offers perfect solutions to trendy diets, such as Paleo and vegan.'
Protein quality depends on digestibility, amino acid profile and content. A high-quality protein contains all the essential amino acids (those the body must source externally), with a high proportion of the branched chain amino acids (BCAA).
Mankai is rich in vitamins A and E, the B vitamins, plus minerals and fatty acids. Mankai’s precision cultivation method produces reliable and consistent nutrient levels, answering all 'free-from' requirements and enabling a clean label.
'All the protein parameters are high in Mankai,' says Ron Salpeter, CEO for Hinoman. 'With its high PDCAAS rate of digestibility (0.89), it is more potent than supervegetables, such as spinach, spirulina and kale. Mankai has a light vegetal flavour, superior to algae-derived ingredients in the market.'
Hinoman develops and cultivates Mankai, a proprietary nutrient-rich supervegetable protein, using a sustainable hydroponic system. The Hinoman team invested 8 years in research and development to create the sustainable strain and cultivation method for year-round harvest of the ingredient.